Sustainability | Knitter's Pride


Our foremost priority is a secure and healthy environment for the 1,700+ people who work with us on a daily basis. That consideration takes into account protection and maintenance of the land on which we work.

Our products are produced with renewable energy in a dust-free environment that insures safe working conditions for all the workers. One hundred percent of our factory water is cleaned daily, resulting in zero wastage. In turn, the purified water is used to water and sustain the beauty of our surrounding grounds.

All our workers are required to wear the appropriate facial and hand protection in accordance with health and safety guidelines.

Environmental Health & Safty

Our facilities are located on 6 acres, within a 3,000 acre "campus" that has been qualified as eco-compliant and recognized, worldwide, for its sustainable profile and its role in climate change initiatives.

Saving Energy

We harvest the energy of the sun with strategically placed solar panels, resulting in a power supply not entirely dependent on fossil fuels or electrical sources.

Water Reuse System

One hundred percent of our factory water is cleaned daily, resulting in zero wastage.

Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water is collected on the campus grounds and used for a variety of factory needs, including the sustenance of our factory grounds.